Climate and Phenology
Köppen Climate Classification System
Moist Tropical, winter dry
Max temperature of warmest month (C°) | | 34 |
Min temperature of coldest month (C°) | | 16 |
Annual precipitation (mm) | | 1054 |
Phenology data
(MODIS-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)
Maximum annual NDVI: 0.63
Monthly NDVI (percent of maximum annual NDVI)
Land Cover Data
MODIS Tree canopy cover
Tree canopy cover |
0% | | 100% |
Tree canopy cover within the tile
| mean | | 19.3% |
| median | | 22% |
| maximum | | 36% |
Bare ground percent within the tile: 6.9%
Download MODIS-derived tree canopy cover and SRTM water mask [GeoTIF]