Global Forest Resources Assessment

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
GIScCE, South Dakota State University



Sampling Tiles Database Search

This Search tool provides access to the pages that show the location of the sample tiles and enables you to download those for use in Google Earth or Geographic Information Systems. Samples of the Landsat satellite images that will be used in the study are also available for viewing and downloading. The Database consists of 13,689 sampling tiles. You can select each tile by typing Latitude and Longitude coordinates, or by using the Google Earth interface.


Select sample tiles using Google Earth interfase

                    Requires Google Earth software

           Select sample tiles using Lat/Long coordinates




Tiles catalog

ESRI Shape format

 Tiles locations (center points) [SHP]         

 Tiles outlines (10 x 10 km) [SHP]

 Tiles outlines (20 x 20 km) [SHP]

Google Earth KMZ format

 Tiles locations (center points) [KMZ]

 Tiles outlines (10 x 10 km) [KMZ]

 Tiles outlines (20 x 20 km) [KMZ]

Auxiliary information database

 Auxiliary data [DBF]

Landsat data granules

 Normalization codes [DBF]

 Landsat data granules count per tile [DBF]

 Landsat data for GLS 1990 catalog [DBF]

 Landsat data for GLS 2000 catalog [DBF]

 Landsat data for GLS 2005 catalog [DBF]



Landsat Imagery Database

This website is part of the collaboration between the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and its partners, including South Dakota State University and the United States Geological Survey's National Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS). The data staged here are a contribution to the Global Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey. The website provides access to the location of the sample tiles and enables the download of associated data for use in Google Earth or Geographic Information Systems. Samples of the Landsat satellite images that will be used in the study are also available for viewing and downloading.

Database Sections

Sampling Grid
A FRA 2010 RSS framework of global systematic sampling design.

Sampling Tiles Database
A database of 13,689 sampling tiles located within land surface
(excluding Antarctic). The database includes tile catalog,
location maps, Landsat data and auxiliary information.

Pilot project data

A 400 tiles sample dataset with Landsat imagery.

Database status on 3/21/2009


Sampling land tiles total


Landsat GLS 1990 data granules


Landsat GLS 2000 data granules


Landsat GLS 2005 data granules
