April 22
Presentations from UMD (GLAD system overview), Sophyra (NFM 2018) and Carlos (MRV workflow). UMD presentation slides shared in the workshop GD folder.
Discussions on workshop agenda and objectives
Data transfer and software installation to the GDANCP computers
Discussion with Carlos and REDD+ team about using GLAD time-series data to support sample-based analysis
Sample interface DEMO link:
April 23
Landsat ARD structure and processing (see /Documentation/)
16-day data download
Metrics approach and metrics calculation codes
Testing image classification tool
April 24
Image classification iteration (forest mask and rubber plantation layer)
Improving sample analysis tool for REDD+
Presentation on image classification tool (slides in the /Documentation/ folder)
April 25
Presentation of SERVIR/GLAD annual time-series products for Cambodia, comparison with GDANCP data for 2018 and discussions
Presentation of the Alert 1.0 and 2.0 outputs
April 26
GDANCP/GLAD/SERVIR products discussion (cont.)
Aggregation of vegetation structure and change metrics for the polygons of GDANCP forest map 2018
Discussion on annual map update approaches
April 29
Download code update (waiting for username and password)
Extraction of national data for each polygon
Extraction of classification results for each polygon
Using C++
April 30
Two parallel tests on rubber mapping
Annual change detection setup and testing
May 1
Meeting between Ellie, Sophyra, Quyen, and Carlos on training/documentation materials
May 2
- Workshop wrap-up
May 3
Presentation for USAID training workshop