Heritier Kondjo Koy
Agricultural engineer with a master’s degree in integrated management of tropical forests and territories. Specialized in wildlife management with proven experience in remote sensing (radar and optical) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Good knowledge of forest ecosystems in the Congo basin region, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Proven experience in participatory zoning/ mapping of community lands and resources. More than 15 years of experience in land use mapping and estimation of forest areas (deforestation, degradation, and gain). Long experience in collaborating with international agencies, universities and multilateral/bilateral programs involved in estimating activity data for emissions calculation in the framework of REDD+.
Previous publications:
Shapiro et al. (2023) Small scale agriculture continues to drive deforestation and degradation in fragmented forests in the Congo Basin (2015–2020). Land Use Policy 134, 106922
Ernst et al., (2010) Observatory of Central African Forests: National and Regional Estimate of Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change for 1990, 2000 and 2005 / La Cartographie Forestière et le Changement d`Occupation et Utilisation du Sol: Description de la Méthodologie. In: Brady M, De Wasseige C, Alstatt A, Davies D, Mayaux P, Tadoum M, editors. Monitoring Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in the Congo Basin. Edmonton (Canada): Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) p. 28-33. JRC62857