Ahmad Khan
Assistant Research Professor
Thesis Title:
Landsat-based operational wheat area estimation model for Punjab, Pakistan
With Ph.D. in Geography, MS in Conservation biology and Sustainable Development, and B.Sc in Forestry Science Dr. Khan has over 35 year experience as Remote Sensing Scientist, Conservation Biologist, Development practitioner, Wildlife Biologist, and Wetlands Conservationist in Pakistan and Afganistan.
A number of presentations delivered at national and international events.
- Khan, A. 2022. Urban and agricultural land covers nexus in Punjab, Pakistan: a development or a food security risk – An assessment using medium resolution Landsat dataset 1989 – 2015. 3rd International Conference Climate Smart Agriculture: The Way towards Ecosystem Restoration. March 15-16, 2022. Department of Agronomy, MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan-Pakistan.
- Hansen, M.C. Song, X. Potapov, P. V., Zalles, V., Khan, A., Adusei, B. 2018. Advances in the global crop type mapping and challenges. 2018 ASA and CSSA meeting; November 04 – 07, Baltimore, MD.
- Khan, A., 2020. Remote Sensing applications in natural resources management. Virtual seminar at Syed Babur Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), LUMS, Lahore; June 23, 2020.
- Khan, A., 2020. Land use change, big data and machine learning. Presentation in training on earth observation applications in agriculture and forestry at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore; September 8, 2020.
- Khan, A., 2007. Mainstreaming wetlands conservation in Pakistan: strategy of Pakistan Wetlands Programme. International Conference on Mainstreaming Conservation: China, June 2007.
- Khan, A., 2009. Wetlands Biodiversity of Pakistan: Conservation, Impact and Challenges; SWS Annual Meeting: June 21-26, 2009 at UW Madison, WI.
- Khan, A. 2011. Energy and food security with sustainable development in the context of Green Economy. Presentation to LEAD Pakistan’s cohort 16. July 22, 2011.
- Khan, A. 2009. Techniques applied in Wetlands Biodiversity Assessment. International symposium on Modern Techniques for the analysis of Ecological Data, Sept 2-30, 2009 at PMNH.
- Khan, A.. 2011. Environmental Education: needs and definition: presented at Seminar at Khairpur University, Sindh on May 22, 2011.