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Project Description:
The goal of this project is to support the development of the Regional Land Cover Monitoring System (RLCMS) by the SERVIR Hindu-Kush-Himalayan hub (SERVIR-HKH) and to facilitate data application in the decision-making process by regional stakeholders. We will develop and implement automated Landsat and Sentinel-2 data time-series processing systems and will provide analysis-ready data for the regional land cover monitoring. Our team will build a set of regional land cover characterization models and supply RLCMS with multi-decadal annual timeseries of thematic land cover layers that will be integrated into regionally consistent land cover and land use maps. The output land cover products will support both land cover, ecosystem services, and food security thematic areas of SERVIR services. We will support SERVIR-HKH team with the hardware and software tools and training for annual updating of the land cover products. All resulting land cover datasets will be publicly available online for visualization, analysis, and download using the SERVIR-HKH data portal and the Google Earth Engine cloud-based spatial data interface. The land cover thematic products will be validated using the best available reference data.
Together with SERVIR-HKH hub, our team will provide training to national stakeholders to support the use of annual datasets for national and regional land cover/use mapping and change assessment, including land management and international reporting. Our project will be fully integrated with regional SERVIR-HKH activities and will promote the use of freely available Landsat and Sentinel-2 data archives for national and regional planning and management.