Belinda Margono
Post doc
Thesis Title:
Belinda holds her Bachelor degree in Forestry from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; she earned her Master of Science degree in Land Resource and Urban Science, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Her thesis was the study of tropical deforestation using satellite radar data (JERS) and GIS techniques. Before joining Department of Geographical Science at University of Maryland in early July 2012, she pursues her PhD in Geospatial Science and Engineering at South Dakota State University with Professor Matthew C. Hansen as her research advisor. Her research interest includes the establishment of baseline for forest cover and its types using remote sensing data to subsequently monitor the Indonesian forests and the changes. The current focus of her research is at national scale, linking up derived information from global scale and local needs.
Belinda is a government officer of Directorate General of Forestry Planning (Forest Planning Agency), The Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia. As a complementary to her technical backgrounds, she has a distinguish facilitation skill, with vast experience at national levels (Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia, National mapping Agency/BAKOSURTANAL, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space/LAPAN, Indonesian national Council on Climate Change/DNPI, Presidential Work Unit on Overseeing & Controlling Development/ UKP4); as well as international levels (Department of Climate Change/DCC of Australia, US Forest Service, The World Bank, World Resource Institute, WWF, FAO, UN-REDD) and educational institutions (Gadjah Mada University/UGM, South Dakota State University/SDSU, Australian National University/ANU).